What a joy!
Last week I was lucky enough to be interviewed by Teresa Syms on the “Divas that Care” network. Since meeting her two years ago we found a lot of common ground. Before the interview we got the chance to catch up on what we’ve been up to, and some general chit-chat. What a joy! Then she told me we were going to start the interview. I can honestly say the interview didn’t feel much different than our friendly conversation. There is such an ease speaking with Teresa. She formulates some of the best questions I’ve ever heard. She is also full of compassion and understanding. We agree that we’ve told our stories to help other people. I know that speaking with Teresa as a friend and an interviewer is a powerful experience. I will look forward to hearing the interview when it airs. I will be interested if it sounds as laid back as it felt. Thank you Teresa for being in my life!