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Teresa Syms Coaching & Consulting

“Experience Change, Receive Clarity & Achieve Success”

A Century of Secrets is a multi-generational story of how one family’s struggle with abuse, personal identity and deep-seated family lies and secrets has caused suicide, alcoholism and lasting family scars. This book is one woman’s journey to uncover the lies, overcome adversity, heal her soul and create awareness for childhood neglect and abuse; sibling abuse, and how children experience and internalize trauma. We have the choice in life, to live to our highest potential or give away our power. In giving up our power we stop living a ‘life’ and we begin to just ‘exist or survive.’ As you read, you will see a pattern develop and the horror of the human condition deteriorate and intensify as each generation of this family fights with their own existence, battles to find some amount of normalcy, while spending the rest of their lives living in their own personal hell. Each generation of this family lived under the shadow of lies and secrets creating a destructive and horrific pattern, until one woman decided to break the cycle and expose the lies and secrets. Times and situations may change, and for women, we have faced many challenges since this story began in 1911 Europe, but the power of the human spirit cannot be broken even though the trauma remains the same. “Trust me: It does not need to be this way! I now choose to be different.” 

This book is a must read for all new or aspiring entrepreneurs and individuals striving to attain their life’s dream! The author’s candid account of her journey from living an ordinary life based on realistic goals to an extraordinary life based on bold dreams provides readers with plenty of lessons, practical advice and inspiration. With vulnerability and honesty, the author reveals a rare glimpse of behind the scenes struggles and shares how she overcame challenges to achieve her dream, and how achieving her dream led to greater personal success. When a move required her to start over, she once again applied the lessons and advice shared in this book to successfully relaunch her business and new life in record time, proving that the keys to success are in reach of all of us. Whether for business or pleasure, this is an enjoyable read guaranteed to uplift and inspire.

The power to command miracles resides within us. You are being invited to free your possibilities; to embody your highest potential; to remember what you came here for. You are an infinite being of light. It’s time to step into all you’re being called to be.
This extraordinary book of transformation contains 31 days of inspiring and healing life testimonies, intended to be savored one by one. Begin each morning or close each day with a profound message that’s certain to awaken pure potential. Today is a gift. Remember to unwrap it fully.
Join our unbreakable chain of love, as you embark on this transformational journey to dream boldly. Each book contains a key to unlock an eLearning course to Manifest Miracles OnDemand.

Teresa was a contributing author.

The twin visions behind this anthology are inspiration and engagement.
Read it to be inspired by other entrepreneurial women who share experiences that taught valuable business lessons and a successful mindset.
Discover how you can “pay it forward” by using your own business success to make positive changes in the world around you.
Let’s develop a community of committed women working together to make the world a better place, not just for ourselves but also for future generations.

Teresa was a contributing author.

The twin visions behind this anthology are inspiration and engagement.
Read it to be inspired by other entrepreneurial women who share experiences that taught valuable business lessons and a successful mindset.
Discover how you can “pay it forward” by using your own business success to make positive changes in the world around you.
Let’s develop a community of committed women working together to make the world a better place, not just for ourselves but also for future generations.

Teresa was a contributing author.

20 Motivational Journeys by Female Entrepreneurs on Life, Business, and Happiness

JOURNEYS OF DISCOVERY is a compilation of short stories from women entrepreneurs, who have overcome obstacles to achieve their dreams. Read and be inspired by these amazing Divas as they share their personal stories of the good, bad and the ugly, with a little helpful advice on the side.

Teresa was a contributing author.

In the pages of this book you will find the stories of 31 amazing women who have the love, the heart, the courage and the wisdom to share their stories with you.
While we mention what happened to us, we don’t dwell there. We talk about what we have done and what we are currently doing to be well adjusted, happy and productive. We’ve done our healing work for ourselves first and foremost and as we began to heal, that seeped out to our families, our communities, our countries and our world. We also know that it takes constant attention to our thoughts and feelings as there can be triggers of memory that can threaten to derail our efforts.
Each of us has been a victim of abuse, some beginning in childhood, others later on as adults with domestic violence or even rape. You will find stories from sea to shining sea…Shannon from Australia, Michele from New York, Sylvia with roots in Guatemala, women from all around Canada and the U.S. You will discover that the perpetrators of abuse do not respect ethnic backgrounds, socio-economic backgrounds, or religious backgrounds. Abuse is abuse no matter what kind, and there is no measuring device that can predict the impact it has on the victim, no matter how significant or insignificant the abuse may seem.
These stories will touch your heart. 

Will you step up and make a choice to thrive? Are you willing to do what it takes? Are you willing to change your focus? We’ve all heard the saying, “What you focus on expands.” Are you ready to focus on healing and thriving?

Teresa was a contributing author.